The Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber and its members are dedicated to helping businesses thrive and making the South Sound the most equitable and inclusive place to do business in Washington State. With the Covid-19 pandemic negatively impacting many of our members, it is important we make membership as equitable as possible.
To accomplish this goal we have developed the “Pay-It-Forward Crisis Fund” where Chamber members can give to the crisis fund. The fund will be used to keep membership a viable option for fellow Chamber members during this challenging time.
As our community grows stronger and more resilient and we recover from the pandemic, we know it will still be important to provide financial assistance where possible to help ensure a successful outcome for all. It is with this in mind that we offer you the opportunity to give to the Pay-it-Forward Crisis Fund. Every dollar collected helps businesses thrive and stay connected.
There are several ways you can give to the fund.
You can CLICK HERE to get a PDF form, fill it out and mail it your gift to Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber Pay it Forward Crisis Fund PO Box 1933 Tacoma, WA 98401